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Helping travelers and expats in Amsterdam with 24/7 healthcare

We assist tourist and expats with our:

General practitioners and practices

Touristdoc is a platform ideally for general practitioners and practices. Register for free via our app or website and have the ability to receive clients.

A doctor who is in the neighborhood, or has an opening during consulation, receives a notification and can make direct contact with the patient. There are no obligations associated with your registration as a general practitioner. You can turn off the notifications and you are never obligated to honor an application. You can specify the radius within which you want to receive a notification to keep your travel time as short as you want.

Business Partners

Touristdoc has a number of options for business partners. This way you can become a partner of Touristdoc as a travel organization where we can link your website to our apps. In addition, we are always looking for business developers and sales partners who come up with innovative products together and set up different locations that you can then manage. What is important for all our cooperation partners is that they are registered in the Chamber of Commerce of the country in which they want to be active or have partners who are. In addition, all our collaborations are based on commissions. Our platform also runs on commissions and we also apply the same construction to our partners.

Meet Our Team

Peter van Ommeren


Guido Terhorst


Joep Schats


Join our Touristdoc network as partner or doctor

Fill in the form on our website

After filling in the form for doctorsΒ or partnersΒ you will get a link to confirm your email address and finalize your registration

Verifying your registration

The data you filled in will be verified by our team and you can start working after approval.

Setup your profile

Personalize your profile by setting up timeschedules when you should receive notifications or respond to requests.

We support everywhere in the world

Touristdoc is available everywhere in the world and therefore it’s possible for doctors and practices to join in every corner of the world.

In bigger cities the app makes groups of doctors that can assist each other and in smaller villages, cities or islands a single doctor can become the ambassador of the region.

Our featured cities

TouristDoc currently serves the following cities – and we are constantly expanding to new locations!

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Hello πŸ‘‹ Need medical care or medicine abroad? No worries! We are ready to help you, send us a message through WhatsApp to start your healthcare request.